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Title I/Read Strong Program

What is Title 1/Read Strong?

Title I/Read Strong is a comprehensive intervention program that provides additional support in reading for K-3 students. Site-based reading specialists teach strategies and skills that assist students in achieving the academic standards.

Eligible students receive services in addition to regular classroom instruction in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and/or comprehension.

All students are screened yearly. Those who score below grade level on the state achievemet test (AASA), district assessments, Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS 8), or who are referred by their classroom teacher, parents, or administrators may be eligible for this program.

Students receive services either on a one-to-one or small group basis, 4 days per week. The fifth day is used for progress monitoring. The goal of the Title I/Read Strong Program is to provide need-based Tier 3 intervention that enables students to become strong, capable readers.

Parents will be notified by letter prior to a child's acceptance into the program.

Title I: Targeted Assistance

A school with a Title I Targeted Assistance program is one that receives Part A (federal) funds, yet is ineligible or has chosen not to operate a Title I schoolwide program. Academic support and services are provided to a select group of students identified as most at-risk of not meeting the state's academic standards in reading or mathematics. Two of CFSD's four elementary schools: Canyon View and Sunrise Drive, are Targeted Assistance sites that offer an intensive, pull-out intervention for reading. Although Manzanita and Ventana Vista are not Title I Targeted Assistance sites, they provide a comparable program that supports students who are at-risk of not meeting the reading standards.

The Title I/Read Strong staff are dedicated to serving and supporting students and families eligible to receive Title I services. Principals of Targeted Assistance schools work closely with the Title I/Read Strong staff to provide effective interventions and evidence-based practices to students receiving Title I services.

Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), parents/legal guardians have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child's teacher(s) and paraprofessionals, if the child is receiving services from a paraprofessional. If you would like to request this information, please fill out the Parent's Right to Know Form and return it to the main office at your child's school.

For more information, contact Mindy Westover at 520-209-7538.