CFSD Foundation
The CFSD Foundation is a 501 c.3. organization that raises money to support teaching positions and preserve important course work to ensure excellence in our classrooms!
The Catalina Foothills School District Foundation was founded in 1983 to provide funding support to the Catalina Foothills School District #16. The establishment of the Foundation pre-dated all the school FFO’s (Family Faculty Organizations), and the existence of Foothills High School. Until 1998, the Foundation funded teacher-initiated projects in classrooms, such as library books, math materials, telescopes, drama and fine arts equipment and much more. From 1998 to date, the FFO’s have concentrated on school-based needs, and the Foundation has supported projects that have District-wide impact such as the professional development of teaching. The Foundation underwrites the new teacher 3-year induction program called, "Great Beginnings: Systems for Success."
Visit us today at www.cfsdfoundation.org
Catalina Foothills School District Foundation
PO BOX 65150
Tucson, AZ 85728-5150