What is ParentVUE/StudentVUE?
Synergy's ParentVUE and StudentVUE are secure, password-protected portals that give parents/guardians and students web and mobile access to grades, assignments, and communication with teachers. Parents/guardians only need one login to see information for all of their students, regardless of the school of attendance.
Teachers in CFSD are expected to update the grades/scores in their grade books every two weeks. Assignments and student performance can be viewed as soon as entries are made by teachers into their electronic grade books. ParentVUE and StudentVUE organizes and formats the data for convenient viewing. The program is straightforward and quite user-friendly – just point and click!
Although the ParentVUE/StudentVUE portal is a very useful tool, it is not meant to replace direct communication between students/parents and teachers or other school staff members. If elementary parents have questions about any of the information, please contact the student’s teacher. At the secondary level (grades 6-12), please discuss the information with your student first. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss class progress directly with their teachers. If further clarification is needed, parents should contact the teacher directly.
Accessing ParentVUE/StudentVUE
An activation key is required to login to ParentVUE and StudentVUE. The activation keys are provided by your student’s school. Once you have your activation key, you will be able to set up your accounts to login to the portal. Each parent/guardian and student account will require a separate username and password. For students who enroll in CFSD after the beginning of the school year, an activation key letter will be issued during the registration process.
Getting Started with ParentVUE/StudentVUE (PDF)
Click here to Login to ParentVUE and Student VUE (PDF)
- Click “I am a Parent” (or) “I am a Student.”
- Click “I have an activation key and need to create my account.”
- Read the privacy statement and click “I Accept.”
- Enter your name and activation key exactly as they appear on the activation letter that you received from your school. Click “Continue to Step 3.”
- Choose a user name and password (at least 6 characters), provide an email address, and click “Complete Account Activation.”
Security and Accountability
Caution must be exercised in order to maintain the confidentiality of student records and information. Any abuse of the system may result in the account access being terminated.
- Users should not attempt to harm or destroy data of the student(s) for whom the account applies or that of another user.
- Users will not use ParentVUE or StudentVUE for any illegal activity, including violation of Data Privacy Laws.
- Users will not access data or any account pertaining to any other student or family of student other than those assigned.
The Catalina Foothills School District is not responsible for disclosure of confidential student information caused by inadequate protection of username and passwords by students, parents, or guardians. If you, at any time, believe that your username or password has been obtained or is being used by a person who you do not consent to have access to your student’s records, immediately notify your student’s school. If you forget or lose the password, please use the forgot password option on the login page.
Parents and students will receive a separate username and password. You are assuming responsibility for the privacy of your username and password and the proper entry of email notification addresses and you are consenting to release of the student information in the system to any person who uses your ParentVUE or StudentVUE access.
Attendance Information
School attendance codes are as follows:
Code | Descriptor |
U | Unexcused/Unverified Absence |
T | Tardy |
X | Excused Absence |
K | Very Late: Excused |
M | Late (more than 16+ minutes at MS and HS): Unexcused Absence |
V | Activity (Excused for school-sponsored activity) |
Z | In-school Suspension |
Y | Out-of-School Suspension |
H | Long-term Illness: Excused Absence |
Note: If you have called in to excuse an absence, this may not show up in ParentVUE/StudentVUE immediately. Please be patient and check back before becoming alarmed.
Gradebook Coding
When looking at assignment and grade information in ParentVUE and StudentVUE, please be familiar with the following information:
Received | Assignment has been received by the teacher, but has not been scored. This score does not have any impact on the overall score/grade: "Received" is noted only to inform parents and students that an assignment has been received. Depending on the complexity of the assignment/project, those with "Received" may not have scores/grades posted for up to two weeks. |
Incomplete | Assignment is incomplete or missing. If an "Incomplete" or "I" is used on the report card as an overall score, it indicates that data or grades from major assignments or assessments are missing. The "I" can be changed to an overall grade/score once the assignments and/or assessments have been completed within the timeline designated by the teacher. |
No Grade
Not Taught |
No Grade (NG) is used to indicate that there is not enough assignment or assessment data to determine a score/grade for the reporting period (e.g., student has not completed assignments/assessments, new student has only been enrolled for a few weeks during the reporting period). Not Taught (NT) is used to indicate that a subject/content area has not been taught during a specific reporting period (mainly used at the elementary level). |
Excused | Assignment has been excused and is exempt from grading. |
No Evidence | Not enough evidence or information to provide a grade for the current assignment. |
Zero | Assignment is missing and is factored as a zero into the term grade until the student completes the assignment. |
Blank | Assignment is still to be handed in or scored/graded and is not yet factored into the term grade. |
Grading Practices
Students in grades K-8 will receive rubric scores as overall grades and to report term progress for measurement topics (categories of standards) in each subject area. Reporting progress in this manner is referred to as standards-referenced. All students in grades K-8 will receive a standards-referenced report card. Learn more about a standard referenced report card.
Assignment scores and term grades are calculated using rubric scores at grades K-12. Rubric scores are based on a four-point scale that range from 1.0-4.0. Letter grades are correlated to rubric scores at grades 9-12 for transcript purposes
Due to a variety of classroom and instructional reasons, some grade books may be updated more frequently than others. For example, due to their complexity and the teacher’s desire to ensure scoring is careful and thorough, some assignments such as special projects or research papers may take longer to grade than others. Typically, teachers will post grades/scores within two weeks from the assignment or exam due date.
Course grades/scores may seem inaccurate or fluctuate from day to day. Some of the reasons for this may be as follows:
- Early in the marking period, there may be fewer graded assignments, and so occasional high or low grades/scores will have a greater influence on the cumulative grade/score.
- Teachers may have weighted some assignments more than others so that particular assignments may count more heavily toward a cumulative grade calculation.
- Teachers may allow students to redo an assignment in certain circumstances. Assignment scores and cumulative grades may increase as a result. Or it might just be that updates, changes, or corrections are being made to the grade book.
In kindergarten and first grade, it is not uncommon to have fewer cumulative scores at the beginning of the school year (first trimester). Often students are learning foundational skills in reading and writing, for example. They have varying degrees of readiness and development proceeds at varying rates from child to child as well as unevenly within different areas of each child’s functioning. Teachers may systematically collect evidence of learning through observations and anecdotal records over a period of time before making a determination about performance that is recorded in the grade book.
Please note: ParentVUE/StudentVUE only provide unofficial progress information. On rare occasions, the final grade/score through ParentVUE/StudentVUE may be different from the final printed report card due to extenuating circumstances. The official grade/score is the one that appears on the official report card.
Mobile Apps
Download the ParentVUE and StudentVUE apps from the iTunes Store.
Apple Device App for ParentVUE
Apple Device App for StudentVUE
Compatible with iPhone and iPad.
Check the Apple App Store for hardware and software requirements.
Download the ParentVUE and StudentVUE Android apps from Google Play.
Android Device App for ParentVUE
Android Device App for StudentVUE
Compatible with Android phones and tablets.
Check the Google Play Store for hardware and software requirements.