Career and Technical Education (CTE) engages students and prepares them with the academic and technical skills they need for fulfilling careers in vital, in-demand industries and occupations. Foundational to CTE are rigorous program technical standards developed by business and industry. In addition, CTE prepares learners for the world of work through professional skills standards and by making academic content accessible to students in hands-on, authentic contexts. Students also have the opportunity to participate in career and technical student organizations (CTSOs) outside of the classroom where they can continue to grow and develop their skills and compete in their selected program(s).
The Catalina Foothills School District (CFSD) offers a robust selection of educational experiences within ten (10) CTE program programs/pathways. Students have the opportunity to earn industry recognized certifications and dual enrollment credits (applicable courses only) through our CTE pathways. The following CTE programs/pathways are available at Catalina Foothills High School (CFHS):
- Bioscience
- Business Management
- Computer Programming
- Digital Photography
- Early Childhood Education
- Engineering
- Film & Television
- Graphic Design
- Sports Medicine
- Technical Theatre
Learn more about CFSD's Career and Technical Education programs/pathways.
CFSD is a member of the Pima Joint Technical Education District (JTED). In conjunction with business and industry, JTED provides Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs for students that focus upon both the educational and employment needs of Pima County. CTE/JTED courses provide access to state-of-the art equipment and training programs in a variety of career pathways, offer articulated college-level credit (applicable courses only), offer the opportunity for industry certifications, and the opportunity to work at an advanced level in a variety of career areas. CFHS Students interested in off-site JTED courses should see the CFHS CTE/JTED counselor for registration information. These courses are free to CFHS students and credits earned will be noted on the CFHS transcript. Info at https://pimajted.org/programs/.
Career Exploration
- Chemistry: Intro to Biotechnology
- Applications of Biotechnology (UA MCB 101)
- Advanced Biotechnology (UA MCB 102)
Business Management
- Business Management 1
- Business Management 2 (Business Development and Administration)
- Business Management 2 (Applied Business Systems)
- Business Management 3
Computer Programming
- AP Computer Science Principles (The curriculum prescribed by the College Board is used in this course)
- AP Computer Science A (The curriculum prescribed by the College Board is used in this course)
- Advanced Computer Programming
Digital Photography
- Introduction to Engineering Design
- Principles of Engineering
- Engineering Design & Development (UA Engineering 102)
Early Childhood Education
- Early Childhood Education 1 (PCC ECE 117 and ECE 118)
- Early Childhood Education 2 (PCC ECE 125 and ECE 226)
- Early Childhood Education 3 (coming in 2025-2026)
Film & Television
Graphic Design
- Graphic Design 1
- Graphic Design 2 & 3
- Graphic Design Publication (creation of all-digital book using digital photography and publishing programs)
Sports Medicine
Technical Theatre
- Theatre Fundamentals
- Intermediate Theater Production
- Advanced Theatre Production 1 & 2
- Advanced Theatre Production Internship (Students enrolled in this course may have the opportunity to participate in a theatre production internship at CFHS.)